Clothes: 6-9 months
Shoe: 3
Diaper: 3
This has by far been the quickest month of Lawson's life. Everyday he is doing more. He is moving all over the place and trying to pull up on furniture. He still isn't strong enough or tall enough, but he tries. He loves to grab my hands so that he can balance and pull up to standing. We bought a little table toy that he loves to stand at and play with. He is a great eater. He has three solid meals a day, two pumped bottles a day and nurses three times a day. His favorites are oatmeal, berry/banana stage 2 foods, and bananas stage 2 food. He has eaten "real" potatoes, sweet potatoes and avocado from our plates and he loves it. I look forward to watching him try new foods.
He is still an excellent sleeper. He hardly ever cries and is such a happy boy. He always smiles when strangers talk to him. I still can't believe he is over half a year old!