My Family
I am married to the most wonderful man. We have two children Lawson Ryan and Lauralyn Ricki. They are 19 months apart. My Career
I am a high school Business/Technology teacher. Education is where I am meant to be.
Why I Blog
I am the world's worst scrapbooker, journalist, photo album updater....and the list goes on. But since I am always near or around a computer, I am hoping this blog will allow me to document our lives. Plus its fun!
My Beliefs
I am a Christian that struggles to walk with Christ on a daily basis. I seek to honor Him in all that I do. I attempt to not get lost in "daily life" and lose focus on the purpose of my existence. It is hard and I constantly battle my will verses His will. I feel very blessed and incredibly undeserving of the life God has given me.