
My Child is a Little Obsessive

Lawson is constantly cracking me up with some of his tendencies.  I know if I don't write them down, I will completely forget them, or barely remember them.  He has gotten to a point where he wants things a certain way.  If we walk into a room, he has to have the light turned on.  If he is sitting at the table, he wants the table clear (no diaper bag sitting on top of it).  He also does not like for dirty clothes to be laying around.  This morning after I changed Lauralyn's clothes, I just left them on our bed.  Well, I guess this drove Lawson crazy because he had to crawl on the bed, get the clothes, crawl down and take them to the dirty clothes hamper.   He does the same thing with trash (and he knows what is trash and what isn't).  He will throw diapers in the diaper pale and other trash in the trash can.  Last night after dinner he asked for the food that he did not eat to be put in the trash.  I know most of these things have to come from me because quite frankly, I can't get his daddy to pick up his own laundry and throw away his own trash.(joking!)(kindof)  It's nice to know I have someone on my side :)

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